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May 11, 2016
October 24, 2016

Hello beautiful tanners!!

Well, were at our 3rd month mark and what a fantastic first 3 months it has been. We have reached over 1,000 likes on our Facebook page, so a massive thank you first and foremost to our ever growing clientele, continue your great work in sharing our page with friends to be the first to know of our upcoming offers!!

Our launch was a huge success, what a fun day we all had. The sun was shining, the music was on, the champagne was flowing and we raised over £50 for Emily’s Star with our raffle, so again a big thank you to all who came and made the day as amazing as it was.

“The leg tan crisis!”

I’m sure you will all agree that when tanning, our pins seem to slack behind on the colour chart so we thought we would share some very handy secrets with you to keep those legs looking bronze…

  • Legs have much less melanin then the rest of the body and in our day to day life are generally more covered up.
  • Oxygen helps in the tanning process so get them legs out more ladies and gents and get a base tan going.
  • Exfoliating no more than twice a week will help prevent removing skin that has already been tanned. Try one of our post tanning specially formulated moisturisers or our pure aloe vera instead.
  • SHAVING!! This is a common factor in restricting leg tanning, as vital as we ladies see shaving our legs it acts as an exfoliator and removes our tanned skin as well, we offer waxing at Bodilight which has to be done much less frequently and will help prologue your tan.
  • When blood is at the surface of the skin the tanning process is quicker, the skin on our legs is thick and therefore harder to tan, try giving your legs a rub before entering the bed, making the skin warm then apply your lotion to help speed things up.
  • ALWAYS USE A LOTION! We can’t stress enough how important this is, moisturised skin will help tan quicker and last longer, on problem areas such as legs try using a bronzing lotion or a hot/tingle lotion.

“The Man Tan”

Its lovely to see all you guys tanning as much as the ladies, and so you should! The ‘Pale Male’ is so last year! Men everywhere are taking to sunbeds to develop a gorgeous glow so we’ve devised some handy “Man Tips” for you all.

  • Tanning helps with adding muscle definition, it helps highlight those biceps, triceps and abs helping you look even leaner.
  • If you’re going for a full body tan make sure to keep your sensitive areas covered. Even if it’s just with a piece of fabric ­ your sensitive parts can burn very quickly and badly. In order to stay burn free keep it covered!
  • It’s so important to use a lotion while tanning guys!! We have some ‘male’ tanning creams in stock that are Armani scented to leave you smelling as well as looking great, alternatively grab yourself an shot of cream for just £2…. You know you want to!!

All in all another great month and many more to come, our introductory prices will be soon increasing so please take advantage while you still can.

“Tan Right @ Bodilight”